The Power Of Your Amazing Brain Infographic


Do you understand the power of your amazing brain?

At – there’s a beginners guide that teaches you about the brain. It’s a step by step break down of the brain and how it works. The article was easy for me to read, understand and digest.

According to, the brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It produces our every thought, action, memory, feeling and experience of the world. Continue reading

You may not know the names of the different parts of the brain and their functions, but I’m willing to bet that you know the importance of having a healthy brain.

The Power Of Your Amazing Brain Infographic

I came across this infographic that highlights some important information about the brain and a few tips on how you can take care of it.

It reminded me that I had a bag of unopened chia seeds sitting in my cupboard. I immediately went to my cupboard and added a two spoonful to a glass of  fresh squeezed orange juice. It was delicious.

Read the infographic below and let me know what you think.The Power Of Your Amazing Brain Infographic

Your turn

What do you think of The Power Of Your Amazing Brain Infographic?” What do you do to take care of your brain?

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