Hypnosis can help you to master your mindset for success.
Have you ever wondered why it’s so difficult for you to permanently change your unwanted habits and behaviors? Do you suffer from the “yo-yo syndrome” – achieving a level of success only to go backwards and having to start all over again?
No it’s not the economy. It’s not bad luck. It’s not your mom, dad, or your teachers fault. You are 100% responsible for your life.
Your unwanted results may be a sign that your conscious desires are not in alignment with your subconscious programming. When this happens, the subconscious mind, being the more powerful, usually overrides your conscious desires. This conflicting mindset makes it challenging, if not impossible, to achieve your goals.
Hypnosis is the key
Hypnosis is your friend – it’s the key that can unlock your door to change. Hypnosis creates a relaxed state of mind and body. In this state visualizing, feeling, and other sensory experiences are amplified. This is the perfect state for your subconscious to accept the changes you desire. The rich sensory experience and your deep relaxed state make it easy for the changes to become part of your daily life. In time, they’ll become permanent, enriching your life on auto pilot.
How can I help you?
I have 20+ years of experience as a clinical hypnotherapist. I use a variety of techniques including coaching, intuitive guidance, hypnosis and other modalities such as guided imagery, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) dream interpretation, past life regression and future life progression to help you live the life you’ve envisioned.
I help local and long distant clients to master their mindset, achieve their goals and transform their lives. Give me the opportunity and I will help you to do the same.
Hypnosis will unlock the door to your subconscious mind for positive changes. You can begin to make positive changes today.
Hypnosis can help you in these areas:
Using the law of attraction for money, healthy relationships, and the life you’ve envisioned.
Bad habits (smoking, biting your nails, being late etc.)
Career decisions
Fear of Rejection (ALL FEARS)
Negative self talk
Positive attitude
Public Speaking
Sleep Issues
Sports Proficiency
Test preparation
Are you challenged by any of these issues? If your issue is not listed, I am confident hypnosis can help you to achieve positive results.
Let’s Talk!
Adalia John Cht

It’s time for your break through – let me help you achieve your goals.
To your unstoppable success!
Important: In the California you may need a referral from a doctor or health professional for some issues.
Ungenita Prevost
Adalia is the force behind my Mindset Makeover™. She’s the best kept secret in the Personal Development industry? With her guidance & a few strategies I’ve learned from my mentors I’ve been able to catapult to jaw dropping heights. Everyone has been wondering what’s going on. How are you doing this? People that have known me for years are speechless about the growth & my recent accomplishments.
Ungenita Prevost
Author & Beauty Expert
Julie – TX (doesn’t want me to use her last name)
“Working with Adalia was a WONDERFUL experience. I was not sure what to expect and did not know if hypnosis would actually work for me. I was skeptical. But I wasn’t doing making progress on my own and decided to give it a try.
Adalia didn’t take my problems away, but made it so that I could get through my problems easier. Sometimes, it is your own outlook on the situation that’s holding you back. She taught me the skills that I needed to have to make it through my situation without having to rely on others. In the past, my negative thoughts would consume me. Now I am able to use the strategies that she taught me change my thoughts and improve my outlook.
Sometimes we all need a reminder of our own value. Adalia did that for me.”
Michelle A. Wilson
When I first meet Adalia, I was going through a lot of challenges, I felt overwhelmed, overworked unbalanced and stuck. Adalia suggested Hypnotherapy because safe & natural approach to treating problems and it would help me achieve my personal goals.
I was a little nervous when I meet with Adalia for our first session because I was not familiar with hypnotherapy but Adalia was amazing she explain everything to me. Plus, she really took her time to understand my needs and problems before we got started. I also felt very safe and comfortable working with Adalia, during our sessions.
I am so glad I worked with Adalia, because I truly believe that the work I did with her has been the catalyst that has helped me achieve my goals today. I’d highly recommend Adalia she is highly skilled yet very caring, and she can help you too to achieve the life of your dreams.
Michele A. Wilson,
Small Business Specialist
Independent Associate
Website: www.micheleawilson.biz
Anne Uphoff
I went to Adalia for guidance regarding my block with creativity. Through her coaching, I identified the reasons why I was blocked. She skillfully used hypnosis to boost my confidence to use the talent that God has given me. I make excuses for not drawing and painting, Adalia has helped me to visualize myself in my studio being creative. Like an athlete, I needed to see myself at work, so that the reality would materialize. She helped me to break down the barriers I had created so that I could give myself permission to move myself up on my priority list.
I have Adalia and her hypnosis and coaching techniques to thank for my progress.
Anne Uphoff
North Hills, CA (Art Teacher)
Adalia John Cht
